Brownfield land register

Brownfield land register

We have identified brownfield sites that may be suitable for residential development.

Brownfield sites are areas of land that have been developed before but are no longer in use, and could be redeveloped to provide housing.

Sometimes the land may be contaminated, or may have empty or derelict buildings on it.

Our register of brownfield land, which you can download below, shows up-to-date information on previously developed land that is suitable for housing (subject to planning permission).

Brownfield land register

All local planning authorities are required to produce and publish a brownfield land register for their area. The council has used its Land Availability Assessment (LAA) and the Local Plan 'Call for Sites' consultation to help identify relevant brownfield sites in the borough.

What is 'previously developed land'?

Previously developed land is considered to be land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. It is important to note that residential curtilage does not constitute previously developed land.

Identifying sites to be included in the register

The register has been prepared in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, using publicly available information and taking any representations received into account. Only sites that meet the assessment criteria set out in the regulations are included on the register. The criteria look at whether a site is:

  • sufficient in size - at least 0.25 hectares in size or capable of holding at least 5 dwellings
  • achievable – the development is likely to take place within 15 years of being entered onto the register
  • available – the owner or developer has expressed an intention to sell or develop the land and there are no known ownership issues or legal impediments to residential development
  • suitable for residential development – the site is allocated for development in a local development plan document, has planning permission for residential development, has a grant of permission in principle, or in the opinion of the local planning authority is considered appropriate for residential development taking account of the impact on various factors such as the natural and historic environment and amenity

Brownfield land registers are presented in two parts. Part 1 provides a comprehensive list of all Brownfield sites in Chesterfield that are suitable for housing development. Part 2 provides a list of those brownfield sites included on Part 1 where the council has granted ‘permission in principle’.  The council has not granted permission in principle to any of the sites in Part 1 at this stage and as such Part 2 has not been completed.

The register will help provide transparent information to developers and communities and encourage investment in the area. For information on the sites and their development potential, please email

Download the brownfield land register

Chesterfield’s brownfield land register can be downloaded by clicking the links below:

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Brownfield Land Register April 2023 (XLSX) Excel (Excel 26 KB)
Brownfield Land Register April 2023 (CSV) CSV (CSV 39 KB)

Site maps

A link to an A1 map of the borough showing all brownfield sites included on the register is below. Each site has a reference number which you can use to find a more detailed individual site plan. Links to the individual site plans are also provided in the register itself.

Brownfield Land Register Site Overview Map April 2023 PDF (PDF 1.41 MB)
15 - Brampton Manor, Old Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.36 MB)
16 - former Brockwell Court, Cheedale Avenue, Newbold PDF (PDF 1.32 MB)
17 - Catherine Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.34 MB)
18 - land at Duewell Court, Station Road, Barrow Hill PDF (PDF 1.38 MB)
23 - former Heaton Court, Meynell Close, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.27 MB)
32 - Miller Avenue, Mastin Moor PDF (PDF 1.12 MB)
49 - land North East of Sainsbury's Roundabout, Rother Way, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.21 MB)
63 - Walton Works, former Factory Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 2.7 MB)
68 - land East of A61 known as Chesterfield Waterside PDF (PDF 2.02 MB)
91 - former Ashbrooke Centre, Cuttholme Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.17 MB)
94 - Allen Orr Timber Yard, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 928 KB)
108 - former Goldwell Rooms and 6 Ashgate Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.29 MB)
111 - Ringwood Centre, Victoria Street, Brimington PDF (PDF 1.09 MB)
125 - 292 Manor Road, Brimington, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.37 MB)
126 - Inkersall Social Club, Inkersall Green, Inkersall PDF (PDF 1.1 MB)
128 - former NE Derbyshire District Council Offices, Saltergate, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.22 MB)
145 - Elm Street, Hollingwood, Brimington PDF (PDF 1.33 MB)
150 - Derwent House HOP, Ulverston Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.09 MB)
151 - Red House HOP, Spire Lodge, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.25 MB)
154 - former Ash Glen Nursery, Sheffield Road, Unstone PDF (PDF 1.14 MB)
156 - former Boat Sales, Sheffield Road, Unstone PDF (PDF 1.18 MB)
192 - Walton Hospital, Whitecotes Lane, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.22 MB)
193 - land South of Walton Hospital, Harehill Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.26 MB)
244 - Middle Farm, Duckmanton PDF (PDF 1.25 MB)
276 - The Conservatory Centre, Hazlehurst Lane, Stonegravels, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.07 MB)
315 - Pondhouse Farm, Troughbrook Road, Hollingwood, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.24 MB)
317 - Edale Road (garage court), Mastin Moor PDF (PDF 1.13 MB)
336 - land off Dunston Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.27 MB)
382 - Basil Close, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.17 MB)
383 - Ryro Engineering, Shaw Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.09 MB)
385 - former Social Club, Saltergate, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.14 MB)
386 - Littlemoor Shopping Centre, Littlemoor Centre PDF (PDF 1.09 MB)
387 - Avondale Surgery, 3-5 Avondale Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.14 MB)
388 - Hady Miners Welfare Club, Houldsworth Drive, Hady PDF (PDF 1.15 MB)
389 - Post Office, 1 Market Place, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1017 KB)
390 - Jacksons Bakery, New Hall Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.16 MB)
393 - Fridays Chip Shop, 109 Highfield Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.13 MB)
407 - Commerce Centre, Canal Wharf PDF (PDF 885 KB)
415 - land used for storage and premises Goyt Side Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 630 KB)
420 - The Elm Tree Inn, High Street, Staveley PDF (PDF 849 KB)
422 - land on Goytside Road, Corner Factory Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 613 KB)
423 - former medical centre, 1 Tennyson Avenue, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 617 KB)
435 - The Travellers Rest, 425 Sheffield Road, Whittington Moor PDF (PDF 772 KB)
436 - Victoria Hotel, Lowgates, Staveley PDF (PDF 908 KB)
437 - Knightsbridge Court, West Bars, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 860 KB)
438 - land at Chester Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 705 KB)
441 - 87 New Square, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 829 KB)
442 - 29 and 29A Sheffield Road, Stonegravels PDF (PDF 1.01 MB)
443 - All Inn, Lowgates, Staveley PDF (PDF 1.25 MB)
444 - Chesterfield County Court, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 965 KB)
445 - land adjacent Trinity Court, Newbold Road, Newbold PDF (PDF 1.43 MB)
446 - 9-11A High Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 2.32 MB)
447 - The Trumpeter Inn, Harehill Road, Grangewood PDF (PDF 2.34 MB)
448 - Baden Powell Apartments, Victoria Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 3.13 MB)
449 - St Patrick's Church Hall High Street New Whittington PDF (PDF 1.5 MB)
450 - 9-21 Stephenson Place Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.35 MB)
451 - 56 Cobden Road Chesterfield PDF (PDF 1.32 MB)
452 - Manor Road Offices, Old Road, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 511 KB)
453 - Sports Bar adjacent 37 Holywell Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 369 KB)
454 - Burlington House, Burlington Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 282 KB)
455 - Chesterfield Hotel, Malkin Street, Chesterfield PDF (PDF 282 KB)
456 - Avenue Villa, 12 Avenue Road, Whittington Moor PDF (PDF 346 KB)
457 - Second and Third Floor, West Bars House, West Bars PDF (PDF 216 KB)
458 - Land South of Poolsbrook, School Cottage Close, Poolsbrook PDF (PDF 244 KB)

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2023. License No 100018505. 

Date last updated: 01/04/2023
Update frequency: At least annually
Resource owner: Chesterfield Borough Council
Use constraints: N/A
Geographic extent: Chesterfield Borough

Links to further Information:

Brownfield Land Register – Data Standard

Brownfield Land Register – Planning Practice Guidance

Permission in Principle – Frequently Asked Questions


Contact the forward planning team

Phone: 01246 345002

Last updated on 01/03/2024