Dog control in Eastwood Park

Dog control in Eastwood Park

We have dog control Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)* in place in Eastwood Park.

They are designed to ensure that people can use and enjoy the park safe from anti-social behaviour caused by irresponsible dog owners. 

There are three orders for different areas of the park: 

  • red area - dogs excluded – this order requires dogs to be kept out of the children's play area
  • yellow area - dogs on leads – this order requires that dogs are kept on a lead in sensitive areas of the park, such as the wildlife garden and tennis courts 
  • blue area - dogs on leads by direction – this order applies across the rest of the park; dog walkers are required to put their dog on a lead when asked to by a council officer, this could happen in instances where a dog is interfering with other people's enjoyment of the park, or when events are being held in the grounds

Eastwood Park Dog Control Orders

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Dog Control Order Eastwood Park Public Press Notice PDF (PDF 63 KB)
Dogs Exclusion Order Eastwood Park 2013 PDF (PDF 51 KB)
Dogs on Leads Order Eastwood Park 2013 PDF (PDF 45 KB)
Dogs on Leads by Direction Order Eastwood Park 2013 PDF (PDF 49 KB)

The fixed penalty for breaching a dog control PSPO is £50.00; the fixed penalty for failing to pick up dog faeces under the borough-wide dog control order will remain at £80.00.

* The orders were original brought into force as dog control orders, but these became Public Spaces Protection Orders on 20 October 2017.

Last updated on 30/11/2023