Safer communities

Safer communities

Community safety

Chesterfield Borough Council is committed to delivering a safer environment in which to live. In order to do so we are in active partnership with other agencies.


Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service

Please click on the link below for information on the Derbyshire Fire and Rescue safety campaign.


Reducing crime and disorder

Based on a strategic assessment in Chesterfield borough, the three priorities are :

  • violent crime
  • anti-social behaviour
  • acquisitive crime (theft)



To contact the Home Improvement Agency regarding home security assessments or installing equipment, telephone 01246 345748.

A number of Neighbourhood Watch schemes are running in Chesterfield. For further information contact the Neighbourhood Watch Office at Chesterfield Police Station on
01246 522331.


Domestic abuse

Visit our domestic abuse page for support, advice or information about access to refuges.


Derbyshire Alert

Derbyshire Alert is a free community messaging service that allows Derbyshire Police, Neighbourhood Watch and other key partners to distribute messages concerning community safety to the public quickly and effectively. We can keep you informed of local events and crimes in your area, and appeal for any witnesses or information.

Anybody can sign up to the system and receive local information based on their postcode. Alerts are mainly sent by email, but people can also choose to receive them via text or a voice message at a time that suits them.

We send out messages on current crimes and trends, good news, events, crime prevention and police priority updates. We can also send out community critical incidents quickly, like floods, fire, or missing people. Specific messages are also sent to particular groups like Neighbourhood Watch, Horse Watch, Farm Watch; or any type of businesses like banks, pubs, or shops. Some messages can also be sent to people with particular hobbies like fishing or cycling. This way information gets to the right people, in the right area, at the right time.

Register online for this service, or contact your local community information officer on 101.