My Chesterfield terms and conditions

My Chesterfield terms and conditions

Creating a ‘My Chesterfield’ account gives you access to the services we have available online, and lets you track the progress of some of your enquiries with us.

By registering for a ‘My Chesterfield’ account you agree that:

  • you will keep your username and password safe and won't share them with anyone
  • you will not impersonate someone else or create multiple, false accounts
  • you will keep your contact and address details up to date on your account
  • you won’t send inappropriate or offensive messages through your account

Some of our services have additional terms and conditions, we will explain them and ask you to accept them separately when you request one of those services from us.

When you register for an account, we will send correspondence to you electronically where possible. 

Keeping your information safe

We are committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services, and will treat your personal details, and the information you give us, very carefully. Find out more in our My Chesterfield Account privacy notice.

Unauthorised access to information held on your account contravenes the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and may incur criminal penalties as well as damages. Please only log into ‘My Chesterfield’ using your own account.

It is your responsibility to keep your login information secure. The council cannot be held liable for a data breach caused by your own negligence. You must make sure that you provide your correct email address when you create your account.

If you think that someone knows your login details, has accessed your account, or is impersonating you on our site, please let us know straight away.

You need to make sure that no-one else can access your personal information if you share your computer or mobile device with someone else, especially if you use a public computer such as in a library or internet café. You must log out and clear your browsing data when you have finished - find out how to secure your account.

Access to My Chesterfield

My Chesterfield may sometimes be unavailable due to maintenance. It can also be affected by your Internet Service Provider, your connection and your computer or other device.

If you experience connection difficulties, please retry accessing the service. We will make every effort to keep you informed of any technical issues.

Council Tax, Business Rates and benefits service terms and conditions

By accessing your Council Tax, Business Rates or benefit information online, you are automatically agreeing to accept the terms and conditions below.

Processing your personal data

Chesterfield Borough Council shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

Personal data held in respect of your accounts is held in accordance with our Council Tax and benefits privacy notice, and Business Rates privacy notice.

Statements and payments

Information regarding your last statement is shown at the date the statement was produced and is subject to change. If you have any queries you should contact us here.

Payments made through our internet payment service will normally be credited to your account up to three business days after they are made online. You should bear this in mind and check the exact amount you are paying is correct.

Signing up for electronic bills and notifications

By signing up for e-billing or e-notifications for a Council Tax, Business Rates or benefit account you agree that:

  • all future notifications for that account, or demands for payment (and any information we are required to issue with the demand) may be sent to you electronically
  • emails will be sent to the email address that you provided
  • if your email address changes you will update it as soon as possible in the ‘My Details’ section of your account

Closing a My Chesterfield account

If you want to close your account, please go to the ‘My Details’ section of your account and follow the instructions.

If you breach any of our terms and conditions, we reserve the right to close your account.

Customer feedback

We try to make the information we give you clear and easy to understand. If there is anything you need to know, or if you feel we could do better, please contact us here.  


Last updated on 17/07/2024