Interactive local planning map

Interactive local planning map


With funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, we have worked with a software provider called Urban Intelligence to develop an interactive map, to make it easier for the public to find information about local planning. 

The map is a work in progress, and is being published now to gather feedback from the public. It is not a definitive source, with the information not yet being fully accurate or up to date.

The Local Plan policies map and the other information on the map is indicative only and should not be relied on for decision making or legal purposes. The adopted Local Plan Policies Map is still the formal document. 

The information is also not comprehensive and so does not include all constraints such as Tree Preservation Orders or Article 4 Directions. A local land charges search remains the best way to identify restrictions on a property or land.

Currently the interactive map includes the Local Plan policies, constraints such as flood risk, housing and employment site allocations, as well as sites submitted for assessment in the 2022 Call for Sites. Inclusion of the call for sites is for information only. It does not mean that the sites will be taken forward to be allocated in a future Local Plan. 

Open the interactive local planning map

Need help using the map?

We have produced a guide to using our new interactive map, see more in the video below.

Layers available Expand all
  • CLP1 and CLP15 – Green Belt
  • CLP1 and CLP15 – Strategic Gaps and Green Wedges
  • CLP3 – Built Up Area
  • CLP3 – Housing Allocations
  • CLP6 – Economic Growth / Established Business Areas
  • CLP6 – Employment Land Allocation
  • CLP8 – Out of Centre Foodstore
  • CLP8 – Vitality and Viability of Centres
  • CLP10 - Asset of Community Value
  • CLP17 – Outdoor Sports Pitches and Playing Fields
  • CLP17 – Publicly Accessible Open Space
  • CLP18 – Chesterfield Canal
  • CLP19 – River Corridors
  • CLP21 – Town Centre Historic Core
  • CLP22 – Key Cycle Network – Completed
  • CLP22 – Key Cycle Network – Proposed
  • CLP22 – Local Cycle Network – Completed
  • CLP22 – Local Cycle Network – Proposed
  • CLP23 – Hollis Lane Link Road
  • CLP23 – Staveley Chesterfield Regeneration Route
  • RPP1 – Regeneration Priority Areas
  • SS1 – Chesterfield Town Centre
  • SS1 – Chesterfield Town Centre – Northern Gateway
  • Strategic Sites
  • Listed Buildings
  • Conservation Areas
  • Locally Listed Buildings and Structures
  • CIL Zone – Staveley Corridor
  • CIL Retail
  • CIL Zone Low (residential)
  • CIL Zone Medium (residential)
  • CIL Zone Medium (residential)
  • Flood Risk Zone 2
  • Flood Risk Zone 3a
  • Flood Storage Area
  • Surface Water Flood Risk – 1 in 30
  • Surface Water Flood Risk – 1 in 100
  • Surface Water Flood Risk – 1 in 1000
  • Water Bodies Ordnance Survey Master Map (OSMM)
  • Air Quality Management Areas
  • Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Provisional – Grade 3
  • Historic Landfill Sites
  • Historic Landfill Sites – Buffer 250m
  • Key Cycle Network Proposed
  • Key Cycle Network Complete
  • Local Cycle Network Complete
  • Local Cycle Network Proposed
  • Public Rights of Way (ProWs)
  • Local Nature Reserves
  • Local Wildlife Sites
  • Priority Habitat Inventory
  • Ancient Woodlands
  • Site Submissions
  • Site Suggestions

Send us your feedback

We are intending to improve the map over time including broadening what information it shows. To help with improvements we welcome any feedback you might have on it, for example on accessibility, usability, content, or presentation.

Please email any comments or suggestions on the interactive local planning map to: