Health, wellbeing and community engagement privacy notice

Health, wellbeing and community engagement privacy notice

This privacy notice explains what information the council needs in order to deliver health and wellbeing community engagement events.

In order to provide this service, it is necessary for the council to collect, store and process personal data relating to service users.

Safeguards are in place to ensure that this data is kept secure and the privacy of individuals is protected.

Who is responsible for your information?

Chesterfield Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information collected.

Purposes of processing your personal data

We need to process the personal information of customers and service users in order to provide, manage, promote and improve the following services:

  • dedicated social events for people with dementia and memory challenges
  • outreach events bringing health and wellbeing services to local people

Categories of personal data and lawful basis

In order to provide this service, we may need to process some or all of the following categories of personal information:

  • contact details

For information processed as part of our outreach activities; processing of this data is allowed under data protection legislation because we have the consent of the individual. This includes data processed in order to promote activities (putting your photo on social media, participation in a prize draw), and to further engagement (for example inclusion in a mailing list).

You can withdraw your consent for this processing at any time by using the contact details below. 

For information processed in order to improve service delivery; processing of this data is allowed under data protection legislation because we have a statutory duty to promote the wellbeing of local residents.

Categories of sensitive personal data and lawful basis

In order to provide this service, we may need to process some or all of the following categories of sensitive personal information:

  • health information
  • potentially any sensitive information

Under data protection legislation, processing of your information is allowed because it is for reasons of substantial public interest (because we have a statutory duty to promote the wellbeing of local residents) or with the individual’s explicit consent.

Health information that we collect and process is used to improve and inform our service provision.

At an outreach event, we may collect any sensitive information that an individual provides in order to understand how we can help, or which agency to refer them to.

Who we share your personal data with

Information collected at outreach events will be referred to an appropriate agency to handle the case. This is only done with the consent of individual.

Information about attendees of dementia friendly screenings is shared with Derbyshire County Council - Arts Derbyshire. This data is collected and shared with the consent of the individual (or their representative).

Further information

Please get in touch if you would like more information about how the council processes your personal data:

• contact the council's data protection officer