Home energy advice

Home energy advice

The Private Sector Housing Team offers free and impartial advice to owner occupiers and private tenants about household energy efficiency needs and requirements, including information about how you can save money by making changes to your insulation, lighting and heating systems.

The level of support available to you will depend upon your circumstances, but everyone has the opportunity to save money and make their homes more energy efficient. 

What is energy efficiency? 

Energy efficiency is about minimising the amount of energy you use in your day-to-day activities without changing your lifestyle dramatically. There are many ways to do this, which can save you money as well as protect the environment and preserve our natural resources. Many of these measures are low cost/no cost, however some require a financial investment. 

Why should we do this? 

An energy-efficient home not only saves on fuel bills, but our homes will also be warmer and we will contribute to the protection of the environment. 

Funding for improvements 

Eligible homeowners in Chesterfield could benefit from financial support to help make energy efficient improvements to their properties and reduce their bills.  

Find out more about making your home more energy efficient