Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity

We recognise and welcome the diversity of our borough. Our policy and strategy set out our commitment to advancing equality and celebrating the diversity within our communities.

  • we recognise that the comparatively small size of our black and ethnic minority community means that we have a particular responsibility to avoid believing that there is no problem of racism; we have a responsibility to challenge the "everyday racism" that black people and ethnic minorities have to face

  • we recognise that both equal treatment and positive action are necessary to counteract discrimination; working with local people who experience discrimination and with other agencies, we are committed to taking positive action to counteract the effects of discrimination and disadvantage

  • we aim to comply with all the relevant legislation (primarily the anti-discrimination laws on sex, race and disability) on a good practice basis; we support the work of the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality and the Disability Rights Commission to strengthen existing legislation; we recognise that existing law on disability does not provide civil rights for disabled people; we welcome new laws to tackle the discrimination facing lesbians and gay men, and on the basis of age and religion

  • we also recognise that poverty, and inequality in the distribution of resources, seriously disadvantage and exclude individuals and communities in access to housing, employment and education; under our social justice and economic regeneration policies and programmes, we take positive action to counteract these effects; we positively discriminate in favour of resources for eastern Chesterfield with the Staveley Community Action Plan and the Staveley Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder project, with special government funding for Markham, Middlecroft and Rother wards and also for St. Helen's ward; we take positive action to support those (primarily older, white men) made redundant from the closure of the heavy industries

  • some groups may experience the effects of both discrimination and disadvantage with consequent higher levels of deprivation, this may particularly affect black and ethnic minority communities, women and disabled people


Equality and Diversity Strategy

Our new strategy was approved at our full council meeting in May 2023 and runs from 2023 to 2027. It was drafted in consultation with the Chesterfield Equality and Diversity Forum members, the public and our employees.

The six key objectives for the strategy are:

Objective 1

Ensuring a fair approach to the Council’s decision making, and that service changes address the needs of our communities in an equitable way, taking account of the needs of people with protected characteristics.

Objective 2

Supporting equitable access to high quality services that recognise the needs of different customers

Objective 3

Encourage mutual understanding and respect between our communities.

Objective 4

To strive to maintain a modern and diverse workforce that is reflective of the local community and feels valued and treated fairly

Objective 5

To make sure that local people who share protected characteristics are able to access opportunities in employment and growth.

Objective 6

Supporting independence at home for our tenants, local residents and vulnerable people.

For more information contact the policy and partnerships service:
Phone: 01246 936793
Fax: 01246 345252
Textphone: 01246 345285
General: contact us online