Evidence (planning)
Our 'evidence base' is a collection of technical documents, studies and research that underpins preparation of our Local Plan.
A robust evidence base is one of the key tests of soundness of development plan documents during the examination process, the test being that planning policies and proposals should be justified, up to date and reliable.
The evidence base is a living archive and is updated to take account of newly released relevant information.
Below are links to the evidence base work that is currently being undertaken or has already been completed.
If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
Northern Housing Market Area Population and Household Projections
Parks and Open Space Strategy
State of the Borough Report
Chesterfield Allotment Strategy 2012 to 2016 | (PDF 536 KB) |
Chesterfield Borough Council draft sports facilities strategy 2015 to 2028 | (PDF 285 KB) |
Community Infrastructure Study 2009 | (PDF 873 KB) |
Community Strategy for Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire 2005–2015 | (PDF 780 KB) |
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Report | (PDF 629 KB) |
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Matrix | (PDF 567 KB) |
Open Space Standards Paper 2018 | (PDF 729 KB) |
Open Space Assessment Report 2018 | (PDF 3.77 MB) |
Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy 2014 | (PDF 3.25 MB) |
Employment and economy
Economic Development Strategies
Employment Land Topic Paper
Chesterfield Growth Strategy
Derbyshire Nottinghamshire (D2N2) Strategic Economic Plan Vision 2030
Sheffield City Region Strategic Economic Plan
Derbyshire Nottinghamshire (D2N2) LEP Strategic Economic Plan | (PDF 3.23 MB) |
Northern Sub-Region Employment Land Review 2008 | (PDF 1.5 MB) |
Chesterfield Local Plan Employment Requirement 2018 to 2033 | (PDF 192 KB) |
Derbyshire County Council - Areas of Multiple Environmental Sensitivity
Derbyshire Landscape Character Assessment 2003
Derbyshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
Chesterfield Greenways Map
Green Infrastructure Study
Green Wedge and Strategic Gaps Assessment
Greenprint for Chesterfield
Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Study
Strategic Assessment of Flood Risk (SFRA) 2009 | (PDF 424 KB) |
Chesterfield Local Plan Sites Sequential Flood Risk Assessments 2019 | (PDF 1.99 MB) |
Disabled Persons Housing Needs Study
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2015
Land Availability Assessment
Infrastructure Study and Delivery Plan
Sustainability appraisal
SD3 Sustainability Appraisal Regulation 19 January 2019 | (PDF 2.91 MB) |
SD4 Sustainability Appraisal January 2019 Appendices | (PDF 14.17 MB) |
SD5 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum June 2019 | (PDF 348 KB) |
CACI 2010 Report - Chesterfield's Retail Offer
Chesterfield Town Centre Healthcheck
Local Centres Survey
Retail Capacity Study
Derbyshire Local Transport Plan
North Derbyshire Joint Transport Study
Network Rail Utilisation Strategy
J29A Operational Capacity Assessment July 2012 | (PDF 301 KB) |