Democratic services privacy notice

Democratic services privacy notice

This privacy notice explains what information the council needs to deliver our democratic services.

This statement should be read alongside the council’s main privacy notice.

In order to provide this service, it is necessary for the council to collect, store and process personal data relating to members of the public and councillors. 

Safeguards are in place to ensure that this data is kept secure and the privacy of individuals is protected.

Who is responsible for your information?

Chesterfield Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information collected.

Records of council meetings

Purposes of processing your personal data

We publish a record of all council decisions and meetings, as well as any background information and reports that inform discussion.

Categories of personal data and lawful basis

In order to provide this service, we may need to process some or all of the following categories of personal information about members of the public, consultants, elected members:

  • contact details

Under data protection legislation, we are permitted to use your information this way because we have a statutory duty to provide make records of council meetings and decisions available to the public.

Who we share your personal data with

The majority of council meetings are transacted in public. Agendas and reports for all council and committee meetings are made available to the public five days in advance.

Minutes and details of decisions are also published on our website once available. If you ask a question, or participate in a discussion, some information about you will be included in this record.


Purposes of processing your personal data

The council welcomes petitions as a valuable tool for people to let us know their concerns about the local community.

In order to review and respond to a petition submitted to us, we will need to process some of the personal information of the people who have signed it. We provide a platform for people to create petitions on our website. Petitions that are received in other formats will also be published here.

We will use the contact details of the petition organiser to update them on the council’s response to the petition. You can find more information about the petitions process here.

Categories of personal data and lawful basis

In order to provide this service, we may need to process some or all of the following categories of personal information:

  • contact details

Under data protection legislation, we are permitted to use your information this way because we it is a task carried out in the public interest.

Who we share your personal data with

Petitions and our response will be published on our website. The personal information of signatories will be processed by the Democratic Services team in order to verify the signatures, this personal information will not be shared within the organisation or published on our website.

Further information

Please get in touch if you would like more information about how the council processes your personal data: