Dog control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

Dog control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

We want everyone to be able to enjoy our public spaces, and sometimes that means having rules to make sure that can happen.

We have restrictions in some of the parks and open spaces around Chesterfield to govern where dogs can go and when they should be kept on leads. This will help us tackle dog fouling and nuisance dog behaviour problems.

Responsible owners know that their dogs should be kept away from children's play areas, or kept on leads in certain places, and our new dog control PSPO (public spaces protection order) shows clearly where that should happen. 

We have publicised where the PSPO is in force, and if you ignore the PSPO you can be fined. You can see areas affected by the dog control PSPO on the maps below.

Questions about the dog control PSPO Expand all

A PSPO is a public spaces protection order.

It is a legal document, drawn up by the council, that allows us to restrict activities in public spaces where they could have a harmful effect on other people.

The aim is to improve the enjoyment of public spaces for the majority of people, and reduce anti-social behaviour caused by dog fouling and nuisance dogs.

The dog control PSPO is a new power under the Anti–Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and replaces Dog Control Orders.

Public spaces should be available for everyone to enjoy.

Sometimes an activity or behaviour, even if it isn't intended to be anti-social, can cause a nuisance to other people.

If the activity causes (or is likely to cause) a harmful effect on the quality of life of local people, is ongoing and is unreasonable, then we can use a PSPO to restrict it.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) last up to three years.

The Dog Control PSPO first came into force in 2018, and was extended in 2021.

The current Dog Control PSPO comes into force on 20 August 2024 and will be reviewed before its the end date of 19 August 2027.

If you see someone that is breaching a restriction is a PSPO area you can report it to us by:

The dog control PSPO controls activities that could lead to dog fouling and nuisance dog behaviour.

Full details of the offences you could commit if you ignore the PSPO are contained in the order, but in general you will be committing an offence if you:

  • allow your dog to foul and don't clean it up - not being aware that your dog has fouled, or not having anything with you to clean it up is not an excuse
  • let your dog off the lead in a restricted area - you can see the areas affected and times the restrictions apply on our maps
  • don't put your dog on a lead when a council officer tells you to - our officers will only tell you to put your dog on its lead if it needs restraining to prevent a nuisance or behaviour to another person, or to a bird or another animal
  • allow your dog into an excluded area - you can see the dog exclusion zones on our maps

If you ignore the rules contained in the dog control PSPO you could be fined:

  • £100 on the spot (a ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’)
  • up to £1,000 if it goes to court

You won’t be fined if you have an exemption from the dog control PSPO (see below).

The dog control PSPO will apply to most people, if you are in charge of a dog you are responsible for it (even if you are not the legal owner).

There are some exemptions though, and the order won't apply to anyone that: 

  • is registered blind - under Section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948
  • has a physical disability - that affects their mobility, manual dexterity, physical coordination etc, in respect of a registered assistance dog
  • has written permission/exemption - from Chesterfield Borough Council

Full details of these exemptions can be found in the dog control PSPO.

You can see all the areas covered by the PSPO here:

If our documents are not accessible to you, you can request a different format here.
1 Boythorpe Cemetery PDF (PDF 418 KB)
2 Brimington Cemetery PDF (PDF 258 KB)
3 Brearley Wetlands PDF (PDF 236 KB)
4 Chesterfield Crematorium PDF (PDF 275 KB)
5 Eastwood Park - lodge, wildlife garden, tennis courts PDF (PDF 294 KB)
6 Holmebrook Valley Park - path around lake PDF (PDF 261 KB)
7 Holmebrook Valley Park- café pavilion car park PDF (PDF 242 KB)
8 McGregor's Pond PDF (PDF 228 KB)
9 Norbriggs Flash Nature Reserve PDF (PDF 299 KB)
10 Poolsbrook Country Park - café, pavilion, car park PDF (PDF 189 KB)
11 Poolsbrook Country Park - path around lake PDF (PDF 305 KB)
12 Poolsbrook Country Park - path around lakes and car park PDF (PDF 314 KB)
13 Ringwood Park PDF (PDF 214 KB)
14 Spital Cemetery PDF (PDF 316 KB)
15 Staveley Cemetery PDF (PDF 280 KB)
16 Badger Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 202 KB)
17 Brearley Park PDF (PDF 421 KB)
18 Eastwood Park PDF (PDF 376 KB)
19 Eastwood Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 387 KB)
20 Hady Playing Field PDF (PDF 285 KB)
21 Highfield Park PDF (PDF 309 KB)
22 Hilltop Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 169 KB)
23 Holmebrook Valley Park PDF (PDF 292 KB)
24 Inkerman Recreation (Wasps Nest) PDF (PDF 196 KB)
25 Inkersall Green Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 336 KB)
26 King George's Field PDF (PDF 156 KB)
27 Kirkstone Road Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 247 KB)
28 Langer Field PDF (PDF 401 KB)
29 Loundsley Green Playing Field PDF (PDF 137 KB)
30 Brimington Common Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 228 KB)
31 Markham Way (near B and Q) PDF (PDF 200 KB)
32 Pearson Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 150 KB)
33 Poolsbrook Country Park PDF (PDF 173 KB)
34 Poolsbrook Playing Field PDF (PDF 247 KB)
35 Poolsbrook Road Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 214 KB)
36 Queens Park PDF (PDF 313 KB)
37 Spital Road Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 237 KB)
38 Somersall Park PDF (PDF 134 KB)
39 Stand Road Park PDF (PDF 360 KB)
40 Station Road Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 177 KB)
41 Stone Lane Kick About PDF (PDF 236 KB)
42 Tapton Park PDF (PDF 193 KB)
43 Wain Avenue PDF (PDF 192 KB)
44 Valley Road Recreation Ground PDF (PDF 164 KB)



Last updated on 19/07/2024